The trilogy

A trilogy of books featuring a partly new content for the understanding of human psychological capacities. Over 20 years of research in the last segment are now reported with results that can compromise on existing beliefs.

They are still only in Swedish language but hope to at least have the first book translated in 2014-15

Succébo-Seed for success (2011). Succébo is a newly created word from Latin that means “seeds of success” or expectation of success and can be compared with placebo.
Succébo is therefor a new concept concerning the most original in life.

– To evolve to cope in the best way.

– Succébo is the basis of life, even in the smallest organism and communicate at all levels.
– Succébo is behind evolution, cultures, development and human progress.
– In practice, Succébo is foundation of all success.


Twelve Senses (published 2012) introduces a new categorization of minds fielding ancient concept of physical senses in a new context.


Try again “Try and try again!” dismisses the concept of “trial and error”. Modern brain research shows that we learn of the success and not the mistakes. This book is expected in 2013. I got into a track that either will complement 12 Senses or be placed in an appendix, therefore, “Try Again” was slightly delayed. The publication of the now scheduled for 2014.

The project – Origin of Consciousness

More than 30 years ago I wrote a monologue for well known Swedish actor Ernst-Hugo Järegård. It was based on the conflicts involving:

We think something, feel something else, want a third thing and doing something completely different.

It turned into a practical life compass that helped me in almost all situations professionally and in life as such when one day disaster struck in the form of a severe car crash. It caused not only a tough physical convalescence but also a spiritual development.

It made me question if we are guided by some external or internal force that we can perceive as a hunch, mystery helping hand or a random coincidence.

Questions about those conflicts led into a long scientific research about motives, perception and decision. It became clear that we seek the good and want the best but for different reasons, we sometimes seem to discourage success and not listen to our self. And waht ai mean by listening to our self is not only the logical thought or the guiding emotions but also something else. Coming from what?

I was an Atheist but the situation demanded me to question a new reality.

I suppose that there is a common misconception to think that if God exists he/she/it would not allow all evil. In my view it is necessary for the development of mankind to experience mostly everything of life to be able to know and to choose what life find most favorable.
And then again God might be a metaphor for the gift in every life form to create it’s own destiny and also evolution.

Free will?

The purpose of the free will and choice is also commonly regarded as enabling improvement through processes of “trial and error”. But I think that is also a misunderstanding. At least it is not all true. We learn and develop by success, try and try again. And then, life must try everything, evil and good to know what life ultimately want and need. This is a principle of developing the aim for success, in all life, even at primitive levels, and I have come to call it Succébo as a parallell to placebo.

The pursue to know more turned into science

Succébo-the seed of success
is the first part in a trilogy “On the origin of Consciousness”. The findings are so transformative, you could say radical, as it needed many years to explore and test hypotheses.
Succébo is a phenomenon that links the mental imagination of the mind and body development, and could therefore have preceded the placebo.

The world’s scientific conclusions are always based on the explanation of – cause and effect -, but evolution is often described as events of random mutation. It is an unreasonable assumption that is questioned and discussed here. Instead, it shows more evidence that evolution is intentional and therefore intention-oriented. In what then, one might wonder. Well to create the best conditions for survival. (Darwin)

The second book Twelve Senses
categorizing perception in a new way will be released in the spring 2012. It introduces an entirely new classification of the senses that puts the ancient physical senses in a new context. The aim is to get this new approach presented in an accessible, reassuring and convincing manner. Although it also discuss spirit, soul and mediumship, topics that are highly controversial in the scientific domain. The findings around Near Death Experience contains convincing evidence that we have an independent mind that make it possible to perceive environment, even if all the physical senses are eliminated.

What now is needed is an extensiv research with test and theory development for further exploring. Hopefully “12 senses” will inspire that.
After participating “Toward a Science of Consciousness” at Stockholm University in may 3-8 (2011) it certainly gives hope.

The third book “TRY AGAIN – Try and Try Again!”
confronts the long lived idea of “trial and error”. Modern brain research shows that we learn of the success and not errors.
This book, which are expected to be released in 2013, also provides a theoretical and practical foundation for life coaching as currently discussed by the Cultural Chronicle “If life coaching for all”.


When I started this business and took the title Coach never did I know how great it would be. In 1988 it was the american title of the college teacher and team leader in sport. In UK it stood for bus and horse wagon. I used coach in order to reduce the tension for groups and people in talking about different questions of solving problems and initiate progress. In almost ten years I was alone with this title in occupational areas. The first time I heard it spread was on a mission for Ericson where coach soon after were used by someone guiding other in projects.

When “Coach” both as title and function, was spread in several areas I witnessed how people with no relevant training or skills throw themself into the role of coach. It was then to me as disrespectful as when some who think they are mediums give readings without asking if someone wants them. It is of course totally unprofessional. For this reason I am looking now for a new concept which is also discussed in particular the second part, Tvelwe Senses, but presented already in Succébo. I think there could be a new type of scientific experience grounded psychology based on partly new view on intelligence. Where practice are educated in combining communication, exploring, management control and achievement.


EMOLOGI (Swedish) is a newly created word (Emotion + logic) which highlights the importance of emotion and treats them equally with the rational logic that otherwise currently dominates the field of science even in psychology and thereby excluding at least half the mind. The underlying theory is the theory of a Life Compass, which is built around “Life intelligences”. A form of IQ and a form of EQ (Social and emotional skills) are included, but supplemented with an exploratory probing intelligence “Management IQ” and a “Power Potential” that is the Executive Intelligence. These Life Compass intelligences are empirically proven in extreme situations in elite sport in particular and occupations, especially in vulnerable and demanding projects.

Three tracks

So this project proceeds in three different tracks 1) Body consciousness 2) Brain Consciousness an 3) Independent Consciousness. It raises three key questions: 1) Is there a purpose in life to always seek the favorable? 2) Is there a life compass built into all life that provide adequate wits to find the most favorable solution? 3) Is there an independent mind, a soul that accompanies every life, sometimes hinting the Life Compass and Brain Consciousness.

There is also a fourth question 4) If there is a soul connected to each life is it possibly to reborn into new lives. And if it comes to it, even then this kind of process should apply even the smallest organisms?

In that case some Asian religions are right? I wouldn´t like to turn this into religion but the question is obvious.

The book series published by VISAM and distributed through Bokrondellen (Swedish). Part one release (in May 2011) and will soon be available at all major online publishers, and on any central university library, city and royal library in Sweden. The trilogy is hopefully translated into english in 2014 or 2015.

Börje Peratt

$uccébo – The seed of success


$uccébo – The seed of success is the first book in this trilogy released in Sweden 2011.

“The origin of life is a question that science tries to answer. Spite of its importance only sparse and sporadic progress are made in the field.”

Evolution theme is the thread where creation is regarded from philosophical, psychological and biological perspective. It also discusses human social evolution based on collaboration and community formation. The starting point of Succébo is that all life is seeking favorable development.

In modern times, when the religion’s creation stories lost their credibility, the literal believers have developed a pseudo-scientific theories.  Creationism is designed to coat the metaphors as facts. Others have theorized about the Intelligent Design (ID) that they proclaim necessary for us to become what we are. Both of these beliefs are contradicted by scientific evidence.

The belief in natural selection is also too limited to explain the evolution. Then you take the sting out of life’s own ability to change and adapt.

Therefore, the Darwinian add is important:

“It is not the strongest that survive, but those who have the ability to adapt.”

Darwin’s explanation opens to both the intent and purpose of an evolutionary change. Let us assume a Life Intelligence in each creature through evolution that not only adapt to the circumstances, but also changes them. The opportunity lies in

“the vision of the favorable”.

Presumably, those who talked about the creative power of thought come close to an explanation of the driving force also in the process of evolution.

What has emerged as an issue here is whether there is a stage before the idea. Something that is more subtle than a desire and more like a premonition, I call it preintuition.

The overarching question is therefore: What makes it possible for everyone to create a future that is beneficial?

If we start with the personal micro level so the individual can see the world and consider the basis of the possibilities and limitations. The mental attitude determines. Belief in oneself grows out of an ability that is opposed to the most difficult circumstances.

Favourable in a general perspective, promotes all thoughts, emotions and actions to feel good and become focused to realize their desires, to carry out their dreams and create happiness.

Favourability influenced by notions of what we desire and want, how we handle the situations we face and what we are prepared to give. To set up the laws here are too simplistic, it is required that you read the explanations. Here I refer to the book.

About creativity

For clarity, I repeat that I see God as a metaphor for creativity and not a creature. If there was an energy that has an identity, it’s amazing. But it is about faith. So whether you believe one or the other is still faith. I say “I do not know.” If God has an identity, there is nothing to indicate that it would serve this God by fighting for a belief.

Four principles of evolution

In the case of evolution and creation process, I have come to the conclusion of four principles and refers to the book.

The question science is asking is if evolution is random or if it has a purpose and intent. Some people take science to imply that everything must be done by chance, others take the same science to imply that there must be a purpose behind. The belief in an underlying creative idea quickly leads to the belief in one God.

“God does not play dice with the universe.”(Einstein)

This Einstein quotation is provocative especially towards the extreme New atheists that know there is no God involved. Such an attitude is contra productive and pseudo scientific. Since they never can know just guess. The only one who can be sure is if God is materialized in some way. What is comic about this is that these so called secular skeptics demand reason and explains everything by cause and effect but when it comes to life it is all random. Never the less:

It is also possible that creative ability is in everything. And that All life has one basic purpose and that is to create from its own favourability. But not a general power of a planning God that determines but creativity is “delegated” to the smallest living organism. On one level, it seems completely random, but on another level it seems obvious coordinated and intelligent.

This leads to the following assumption for the effective creation:

The principle of $uccébo
Favourability stimulate purposeful innovation with a purpose of improvement. The organism strives for optimum performance and prepare for change already to perceive itself better suited in a new form. The sensation of the emerging notion of an opportunity for beneficial change inspires vision and innovation.

This principle has critical implications for the perception of an intentional evolution and dismisses chance.

The amount of evidence for life’s intention is confirmed at all levels down to single-celled micro level.

Succébo also proposes a partially-developed approach to intelligence

Life Intelligence – New perspectives on intelligence
The traditional IQ, mainly in the logical left side of the brain can be divided into a knowledge management intelligence and an innovative, Explorative Intelligence (XQ).
The right side of the brain is dominated by a social and empathetic “intelligence” (social and emotional skills) and a performance “intelligence”. I call it Performance Potential (PP) and it get its force energy from the driving motive.

Börje Peratt

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The project summarized

22 years of research on the perception and performance has led to a trilogy.

Like Darwin’s “Origin of Species” is the findings so cataclysmic that it required many years to explore and test hypotheses.

  1. Succébo-Seed for success (2011). Succébo is a newly created word (2008/2009) from Latin that means “seeds of success” or expectation of success and can be compared with placebo.
  2. Twelve Senses (2012) introduces a new categorization of minds fielding ancient concept of physical senses in a new context.
  3. Try again – “Try and try again!” dismisses the concept of “trial and error”. Modern brain research shows that we learn of the success and not the mistakes. This book is expected in 2013/2014.

Welcome to a world of new possibilities for understanding of something previously considered difficult to explain.

Börje Peratt


Börje Peratt – LinkedIn
Peratt, Börje – LIBRIS
Börje PerattBö